A friend asked how I survived the events I wrote about in my book, “Choosing Life.’ Believe me, what I wrote about was the tip of the iceberg. We’ve all heard about “a stitch in time saving nine.” Well, a laugh in time can save your life. I found a way to laugh at just about anything. Laughter keeps you from taking yourself and everything else too seriously. My struggle with the temptation of suicide started at ten years old. …..
In my book, “Choosing Life,” I mentioned how much I enjoyed school. Learning, really. I loved history and geography. One of my teachers told a story about a train ride through Europe. There were four passengers in her compartment. The only language they had in common was Latin, so they conversed in Latin. I studied about the world, and I longed to see every bit of it. I wanted to climb the steps to the Parthenon, sit in the Coliseum,…..