Brian Williams was just caught lying about being attacked in a helicopter in a war zone. Dan Rather was caught in a lie trying to influence the outcome of an election. “What difference does it make?” Our government is a republic, not a democracy. We elect people to represent us in our government. In order to elect people who will represent us as we want them to represent us, and not according to their own personal agendas, the voting public…..
During the Revolutionary War, the American army was crossing a river on horseback. A man was standing close to the crossing, watching the soldiers cross. When General Washington was about to cross, the man approached him and asked him for a ride across the river. Washington agreed, and the man mounted the horse behind Washington. Half way across the river, Washington asked the man why he waited for him and why he asked him and not the other soldiers. The…..
I like to write, that’s why I wrote “Choosing Life.” Words are the tools of my trade. Words are powerful. Remember, “The pen is mightier than the sword.” “In the beginning was the Word.” At the Great While Throne Judgment, we will have to answer for “every idle word.” That indicates that words, and their meanings, are very important to God as well as to us. The Politically Correct crowd love to change the meaning of words. We can’t call…..