Brian Williams was just caught lying about being attacked in a helicopter in a war zone. Dan Rather was caught in a lie trying to influence the outcome of an election. “What difference does it make?” Our government is a republic, not a democracy. We elect people to represent us in our government. In order to elect people who will represent us as we want them to represent us, and not according to their own personal agendas, the voting public…..
The 1981 movie Chariots of Fire included the story of Scottish Christian Eric Liddel, who participated in the 1924 Olympics for Great Britain. He and his sister were destined for missionary service in China. In the movie, his sister reminds Eric of their mission. Eric replies, “But God also made me fast. And I feel His pleasure when I run.” Everything I learned I learned from the movies. (Almost) This statement about feeling God’s pleasure intrigued me. I remembered many…..
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