In “Choosing Life,” I told you about my career as a CPA. I worked in both public and private companies. Early in my career, I worked for another CPA in a private company. I’ll call her Judy. She was younger than me. Judy was one of those women who built her career and then had her children. Her husband was a house-husband, an artist, and a Buddhist. She had been turned off early by religion and didn’t mind her husband teaching their children to be Buddhists. I had a lot of respect for her and wanted to talk to her about the Lord, but she would never listen.
A few years later, Judy asked me to help her with a special project for one of her clients. We worked in the client’s office after work hours. One evening, on my way to the office, I prayed that the Lord would give me an opportunity to talk to Judy. We were sitting across the conference room table working. I looked up to see her staring at me and moving her head from side to side. “What’s wrong?” I asked. She said, “I see crosses in your eyes. I thought it was a reflection from the overhead light, but no matter how I turn my head, I see crosses in your eyes.” I never skipped a beat. “The cross is very important to me,” I said. I told her how and why I became a Christian. I explained the whole plan of salvation as she sat there without a word looking at my eyes. After I told her about praying to accept Jesus’ death on the cross as full payment for our sins, she looked down and said, “We had better get back to work.” I thanked God all the way home that night. He had given me the opportunity and the words. The choice was hers, and I hoped that she would choose Him when she went home to think about it.
It’s always the cross. Nothing draws us to the Lord more powerfully than the cross. Nothing angers unbelievers more than the cross. How many times do we have to hear about someone wanting a cross torn down? Why does it bother them so much if they don’t believe in it? Jesus said that when he was lifted up he would draw all men to himself. Perhaps unbelievers feel drawn to the cross and just can’t keep rejecting it, so they want it gone.
Judy? I haven’t seen her in years. The last time I worked for her she had spent their entire savings taking her family to an ashram. I’m not worried. The seed has been planted.